63. Make $1000 on eBay
I've been stuck at fricking $995 for a week, waiting for any one of four jackasses to actually pay their fricking tab for the items they bought. For the record, if you're a greasy Spainiard, please check the auction notes. My shipping costs are written right there. You don't have to send me multiple mails inquiring as to how much the shipping would be if you bought two figures. Or how much it would be if you bought four. Or seven. It says RIGHT THERE. In addition, if it says "Payment due within five days of auction close," that does not translate to "eh, take your time, any time in the next month or so sounds fine." Grr.
Anyway, despite an agonizing slowness to make it over the finish line, #63 is well and truly complete. Given the sheer volume of HeroClix I've sold via eBay over the last two months, it may even mark the end of #72 (sell half my inventory of toys), though I won't know for sure until I do #71, which is to inventory them. The thing that's going to be really tough about #71, though, is that I have so many loose toys. I recently re-inherited virtually my entire old collection of G.I. Joe figures, I have at least one box full of misc. toys, and probably one or two boxes of carded toys. Ah well, the real nightmare is going to be inventorizing my comic book collection. That's probably going to be a solid weekend's worth of work. I have a feeling that's going to be a "year three" task, 'cause I really don't want to do it.
I hate Ebay jackasses as well. My policy with them is to try to take a firm stance. If they haven't paid within 2 weeks total, send them an email giving them 1 or 2 days notice. Then, leave them a negative feedback. They should be more considerate. Congrats on that. Ebay can be good and bad at the same time.
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