Saturday, May 31, 2008


So. I've been pretty much done with the 101/1001 thing for a while. The point at which it became abundantly clear that I would not complete a decent number of these (I'm looking at you, 24, 67, 83 and 94) I kind of lost interest in pursuing the rest of them.

There's still some degree of interest in doing this again -- had it not been for #74, there would have been no St Paddy's Day road trip to Vancouver for the Red Wings game, for instance. Jason and I wouldn't have gone camping last August and seen a freaking amazing display of the Perseids. And almost certainly we wouldn't have had family Christmas morning at my apartment a year and a half ago, and that was really quite fun.

All that being said, however, I just feel profoundly unmotivated to work on a 101 list that I know with absolute certainty will not be finished (or even anywhere near finished. So, with 101 days left (unplanned, but seems appropriate), I'm shifting my focus: instead of the 101/1001 deal, I'm going to convert this blog to a Project 365.

I've been thinking about trying to do that for a while now; that's part of the reason I got a new camera a week or two ago. Since then I've been looking for a good time to start it, and figured June 1 would be as good a time as any. However, given the events of the evening, starting it off a day early seemed like the only prudent move:
Picture 1.0

It's not every day you're sitting in the 4th row to watch Brazil not beat the stuffings out of Canadia (they actually acquitted themselves quite well).

Also, two bonus pictures from the day. First of all, I'd like to introduce you all to the future Mrs. Justy Tylor (she's the one in green; not the greatest picture, sure, but damn can she move):
Picture 1.1

And lastly, this picture just seems somehow representative of so many elements of my life:
Picture 1.2